To reach out and assist teenage girls in remote villages to overcome the socio-cultural challenges posed on them by the society and help them achieve their dreams against all odds through counseling, advocacy and training, and to empower and support the disadvantaged group, teen mothers, single parent, pregnant teenagers, disabled and needy young girls who can't afford the basic needs of life, through mentorship, education scholarship, enrollment into skill acquisition centers and provision of necessary aids ( medical assistance, legal aid, shelter, feeding and clothing etc) that will help them feel belonged and pursue their dreams.


To raise women who would reach their heights and fight to protect their rights without fear, Women who would not only be seen but heard, and to eliminate domestic, sexual and gender based violence and create a safe space for girls to thrive.


We mentor young girls in the rural and sub- urban areas on core values and strength of womanhood , on the importance of education and skill acquisition, the dangers of early marriage, teenage pregnancy and abortion, sexual and reproductive health, menstrual hygiene, empowerment Self Defense among others, with the aim of achieving equity and safety in the society.

About Us

Get to know us.

Girls Growth, Support and Mentorship Initiative (GGSMI) seeks to empower teenage girls and achieve gender equality through mentorship and sponsorship. we groom, educate, and train young girls in rural and sub-urban communities, through organizing outreach and sensitization programs for secondary schools, churches and organisation , annual SAVE THE GIRL CHILD event, Empowerment Self Defense training, national and international programs like WOMEN'S DAY CELEBRATION, WORLD MENSTRUAL HYGIENE DAY, INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL CHILD,etc, counseling sections, community based sensitization and other programs.

We engage the young girls in one on one discussions, interviews, and questionnaires to understand their individual stories and experiences, identify their problems and challenges and provide solutions to them. We organize counseling sections for those among them that have encountered an ugly experiences such as rape, child abuse, etc in the past and are facing traumas and psychological problems .

We sponsor young girls from poor families, teenage mothers and the disabled girl childre in all levels of education; primary,secondary and university levels as well as in digital and technical skill acquisition centers. We go to churches and events to talk to parents and people about their daughters,sisters or girls under their care, and ways they can help them grow and be successful in a safe and positive environment.



our outreach

We have organised and conducted many outreach to different places which includes:


Located in Udenu Local Government Area ,Enugu State, Nigeria on the 11th of February, 2022. we educated the girls on the value of girl child education, sex education , self defense etc and distributed sanitary pads and soaps to them. The students enjoyed the sensitization program and asked lots of questions which we were glad to answer. One the teachers told us that almost half of the class absents themselves from school for 2 to 3 days during menstruation because they cant afford sanitary pad. She pleaded with us to assist the girls with sanitary products from time to time. After the lecture, we interviewed one of the student who were struggling to get the pad that was being shared and she told us that she needs it because she has been using pieces of clothes all these while which is very unhygienic. We promised to bring them sanitary products from time to time. Here, we found more reason to end period poverty and stigma.

Some of the pictures.

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Located in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State on the 3rd of February, 2022. prior to the outreach, the principal told us how some of their students run off to marriage without completing their secondary education at the sight of a rich man as a suitor. We took time to stress on the dangers of child marriage and the importance of education in their lives as women. They were so pleased to have us mentor them, and many of them opened up to us, sharing their challenges and seeking for guidance. We also educated them on the true meaning OF VALENTINE'S DAY CELEBRATION and how it should be celebrated among youths and teenagers, as well as the values and importance of decent life among other things. We shared them sanitary products as well.

Some of the pictures.

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Your generous donation will go a long way in giving life, hope and future to these girls in need, and in carrying out our outreaches and programmes.


Some of the memorable moments through our journey so far.

Board of trustee

Meet our indefategable members of our board of trustee

Eze Nwanneka Perpetual

Founding Director

The founder and chief executive officer of Girl Growth, Support and Mentorship Initiative. she is a graduate of sociology and Anthropology University of Nigeria, a social worker and a researcher....

Uba Uthman

Chairman, Board of advisors

Okeugo Mark


Oforma Chiwendu Mariaclara


Contact Us


Ikenga junction, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria


+234 814 888 2209


Your generous donation will go a long way in giving life, hope and future to these girls in need, and in carrying out our outreaches and programmes.