+234 814 888 2209

our outreach

We have organised and conducted many outreach to different places which includes:


Located in Udenu Local Government Area ,Enugu State, Nigeria on the 11th of February, 2022. we educated the girls on the value of girl child education, sex education , self defense etc and distributed sanitary pads and soaps to them. The students enjoyed the sensitization program and asked lots of questions which we were glad to answer. One the teachers told us that almost half of the class absents themselves from school for 2 to 3 days during menstruation because they cant afford sanitary pad. She pleaded with us to assist the girls with sanitary products from time to time. After the lecture, we interviewed one of the student who were struggling to get the pad that was being shared and she told us that she needs it because she has been using pieces of clothes all these while which is very unhygienic. We promised to bring them sanitary products from time to time. Here, we found more reason to end period poverty and stigma.

Some of the pictures.


Located in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State on the 3rd of February, 2022. prior to the outreach, the principal told us how some of their students run off to marriage without completing their secondary education at the sight of a rich man as a suitor. We took time to stress on the dangers of child marriage and the importance of education in their lives as women. They were so pleased to have us mentor them, and many of them opened up to us, sharing their challenges and seeking for guidance. We also educated them on the true meaning OF VALENTINE'S DAY CELEBRATION and how it should be celebrated among youths and teenagers, as well as the values and importance of decent life among other things. We shared them sanitary products as well.

Some of the pictures.


Located in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area ,Enugu State,Nigeria on the 10th of February, 2022. Before now, we got information that students here are known for early marriage, at JSS2 and JSS3 some of them are already pregnant and will have to drop out of school. We educated them on the need to go to school, get enlightened and exposed, learn a skill, get a job or be self employed so as to help themselves , their family and future home. The cycle of poverty that are found rotating among families can only be broken if they do what their mothers couldn't do, which is education and in-dependency. We also taught them sex education and decent womanhood. The principal, teachers and students were so happy and showed appreciation. We also gave them sanitary products, soap and tissue papers.

Some of the pictures.


Located in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State on the 29th of March, 2022. CKS as it is called is a private school in a remote village in Ovoko. We embarked on this outreach in collaboration with EMMANUEL FOR AFRICA, another NGO. The principal told us that it was just once that an NGO like ours came to talk to the students since the existence of the school, and they were glad we came. We mentored and groomed them on the feminine etiquette and value of womanhood alongside sex education. We also distributed soaps and sanitary products to them.

Some of the pictures.


Located in Igbo Eze-South Local Government Area, Enugu State, on the 1st of July, 2022. St Francis is a catholic school, and the Alma-mater of the Founding Director of GGSMI. The principal and staffs were so happy to have us and welcomed us with open arms. We educated the students, both boys and girls on peer group influence, importance of education and skill acquisition as opposed to YAHOO and Cyber crime. We briefed them on our annual SAVE THE GIRL CHILD EVENT scheduled on the 9th of july and invited them. We also distributed sanitary products to the female students.

Some of the pictures.


In the Catholic Diocese of Nsukka on the 5th of August, 2022. Through interviews and the use of questionnaires, it was discovered that families lacks good Parent-Child relationship. Some parents have chosen the struggle for wealth and material possessions over raising the children they are acquiring the wealth for. We found out that most of these girls that has been abused in the past confided more in us more than their parents, because they (the parents) don't create time to talk to their children and inquire about their welfare . We also discovered that some of these girls that uses pieces of clothes during their period have parents that should be providing sanitary pads for them. That was why we ceased the opportunity to talk to their mothers during their August Return, a period when members of Catholic Women Organisation both home and abroad, meets once a year. This was us trying to address the issue from the root, so mothers can take good care of their daughters and spend quality time with them to know what is going on in their lives. After the lecture on parenting style and consequences of poor hygiene, the mothers were so happy and promised to give more attention to their children.