About Us

About us

Girls Growth, Support and Mentorship Initiative

Girls Growth, Support and Mentorship Initiative (GGSMI) seeks to empower teenage girls and achieve gender equality through mentorship and sponsorship. we groom, educate, and train young girls in rural and sub-urban communities, through organizing outreach and sensitization programs for secondary schools, churches and organisation , annual SAVE THE GIRL CHILD event, Empowerment Self Defense training, national and international programs like WOMEN'S DAY CELEBRATION, WORLD MENSTRUAL HYGIENE DAY, INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL CHILD,etc, counseling sections, community based sensitization and other programs.

We engage the young girls in one on one discussions, interviews, and questionnaires to understand their individual stories and experiences, identify their problems and challenges and provide solutions to them. We organize counseling sections for those among them that have encountered an ugly experiences such as rape, child abuse, etc in the past and are facing traumas and psychological problems .

We sponsor young girls from poor families, teenage mothers and the disabled girl childre in all levels of education; primary,secondary and university levels as well as in digital and technical skill acquisition centers. We go to churches and events to talk to parents and people about their daughters,sisters or girls under their care, and ways they can help them grow and be successful in a safe and positive environment.

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Learn about our "SPEAK AND BE HEARD" show

We are launching an online platform where women and girls will share their stories of life experiences, abuses and violence and how they became Survivors or Victims. This is an online show that aims to encourage women and girls to speak up about these experiences and get help.

A victim that shared her story with us will get help, financial, medical, legal and psychotherapeutic help while Survivors will be encouraged as they inspire other women and girls watching to speak up. Women and girls who do not want to their identity be revealed will have a blurry video production, or in text publication of their story, without their names.

This will help to reduce gender based violence and stigmatization of victims.

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Offer your services


We need the services of a human right lawyer, who would help us get justice for women and girls that have been abused. Most of these girl crawl into their shells after an abusive experience because there is no one to speak for them and they can't afford a lawyer.

Medical aids

We need the services of doctors and nurses who would help us conduct tests on this girl, to determine their health status and provide medical assistance to them. Most of them are suffering from STIs contracted from unhygienic environments, pieces of clothes used as sanitary pads and sexual abuses.

Technological assistance

It is our responsibility to make women relevance in the digital world by providing Tech skills for these girls. Skills such as Cyber Security, UI/UX design, Video Editing, Graphic design, media management etc will help these girls get jobs and increase their standard of living, thereby ending poverty.


we implore the services of a guidance and counselor, and a psychotherapist who would help victims of violence heal and overcome their fears and traumas. This way they can reintegrate into the society and become normal again.

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Meet our team


Eze Nwanneka Perpetual

Founding Director

Uba Uthman

Chairman, Board of advisors

Okeugo Mark


Oforma Chiwendu Mariaclara


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